8.5 Mme Nicole Walls


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Bienvenue à la classe de 8.5

Bonjour! I am Mme. Nicole Walls, the homeroom teacher for 6.5 French Immersion.  I teach my homeroom class Sciences et Français Arts Langagiers. I also teach grade 8 Français Arts Langagiers and FSL to 6.2 and 6.3.  I will send emails to my homeroom class to communicate upcoming events, homework and classroom projects.  This information will also be posted on the homework board in the class and on the Google calendar found in Projets/évènements.  Please contact me by email for any concerns.

Vive 6.5!!:)

Parent Tips

I encourage you as parents/guardians to be actively involved in your child's school life.  I believe when parents and teachers work together, children can be successful in their learning.

If you have any questions or concerns please email me at: Mme Walls, RVS Email or phone me at: 403-242-4456

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